Construction Leads and Tenders - June 21st


Applicant: Calmont Sugarhouse Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Internal and external alterations per use of Restaurant /Bar and Offices as Hotel

Location: 396 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow

Agent: Elder And Cannon Architects Per John Docherty 40 Berkeley Street Glasgow

Applicant: Hermiston Securities Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of industrial (Class 5) and storage and distribution (Class 6) development with associated access, parking, landscaping and engineering works

Location: Site Adjacent To Springhill Drive North On Springhill Parkway Glasgow

Agent: Zander Planning Ltd Alex Mitchell 31 Balmoral Drive

Applicant: University Of Glasgow

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Demolition of mathematics building, refurbishment of Boyd Orr building, construction of learning and teaching hub

Location: Site Bounded By University Avenue/ University Gardens Glasgow

Agent: North Planning And Development Ltd Per Graeme Laing Tay House, 2nd Floor 300 Bath Street Glasgow


Contract Authority: North Ayrshire Council

Details: North Ayrshire Council requires to establish a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Asbestos Consultancy Services in Non - Domestic Premises in North Ayrshire including the Islands of Arran and Cumbrae. Services required include Management surveys, Refurbishment surveys, Demolition surveys and Re-inspection surveys, Air Sampling (including 4 Stage Clearance, Reassurance, Leak & Background Air Sampling) and Bulk Sampling & Analysis.

Location: North Ayrshire


Publication Date: 20/06/2018

Contract Authority: Dumfries & Galloway Housing Partnership Ltd.

Details: Dumfries & Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) owns and manages over 10,000 residential properties across the Dumfries & Galloway region. DGHP is procuring a single contract for the following core services: provision of responsive repairs to properties, works to void properties, gas servicing & maintenance, maintenance of other heating systems, electrical safety inspections and remedial works and cyclical decorations. Subject to satisfactory performance on core services and Board approval, it is intended that a range of planned elemental investment works will be included in the contract from Year 3, with the appointed contractor working with DGHP in the first two years of the contract to develop a clear planned works programme and plan for potential mobilisation.

Location: Dumfries & Galloway


Publication Date: 20/06/2018

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