Construction leads - August 2nd


Applicant: CA Yeaman (Edinburgh) Property Owner Limited.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Proposed demolition of existing buildings and structures and construction of a purpose-built student accommodation development, with associated active travel routes, landscaping, cycle parking and other associated infrastructure.

Location: 23 Yeaman Place Edinburgh

Agent: Scott Hobbs Planning Ltd. Fao. Varshini Gorjala. 24A Stafford Street Edinburgh

Reference: 22/03556/FUL

Application Link


Applicant: Eastern Properties Scotland Ltd Eastern Western Motors

Planning Authority: Dundee

Details: Mixed Use Development Comprising: Office (Class 4), General Industrial Units (Class 5), Storage Units (Class 6) and Car Dealership Showroom (Sui Generis) with car display area/parking provision and associated works

Location: Block 31 Dunsinane Avenue Dunsinane Industrial Estate Dundee

Agent: Neil Gray Gray Planning & Development Ltd AYE House Admiralty Park Rosyth Dunfermline

Reference: 22/00492/FULL

Application Link



Applicant: H&H Properties UK Ltd.

Planning Authority: Dundee

Details: Construction of 8 semi-detached houses and associated works

Location: Land West Of 404-494 And North Of Riverside Drive Dundee

Agent: Tony Thomas Apt Planning & Development 6 High Street East Linton

Reference: 22/00463/FULL

Application Link



Contract Authority: Edinburgh Napier University

Details: Edinburgh Napier is seeking a Contractor(s) for Reactive Maintenance work at the Authority’s Residential & Campus locations. There are 5 Lots included within this tender that cover various aspects of Reactive Maintenance.

The Lots are as follows:

- Lot 1: All Trades Work

- Lot 2: Roofing Works

- Lot 3: Glazing Works,

- Lot 4: Decorative Work

- Lot 5: Drainage Works

Location: Edinburgh


Publication Date: 01/08/2022


Contract Authority: Dumfries and Galloway Council

Details: Refurbishment of Locharbriggs Primary School, including construction of new entrance canopy, rear canopy at classrooms, new external curtain walling, screens, windows and doors, new internal doors and screens, new internal wall construction, new ceiling and floor finishes, new flat roof complete with new guttering and rainwater pipes. Installation of new boilers, associated pipework, and radiators. Installation of new lighting, power points and associated works. The demolition of existing two storey school block, corridor link and a portion of the main school which connects this link, as well as the demolition of a single storey office block adjacent to the current main entrance and removal of all asbestos detected. Formation of new car park at main entrance, raising ground level and resurfacing of existing car park and playground area.; all works to be carried out in phases to suit school requirements with associated temporary works to provide segregation.

Location: Dumfries


Publication Date: 01/08/2022

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