Construction leads - December 20th


Applicant: Mr M Findlay

Planning Authority: Angus

Details: Listed building consent for alterations and extension of listed building

Location: Main Farmhouse Mill Of Pert North Water Bridge, Laurencekirk

Agent: A B Roger & Young, 9 MacGregor Street, Brechin, Angus

Reference: 21/00898/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: Curlew Capital.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Replacement of defective cladding, internal re-planning and refurbishment works at Fresh Living student housing,16-18 Potterrow. Works will include the replacement of stone cladding, aluminium cladding and flashings with like for like materials, the re-planning of accommodation, amenity and ancillary spaces across all floors and introduction of new M+E plant which will include a new plant deck at roof level and extract outlets on external walls. The use class of the building is unchanged.

Location: 16 -18 Potterrow, Edinburgh

Agent: ADP Architects. FAO: Euan Mackenzie, 101 George Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 21/06350/CLP

Application Link 


Applicant: Edinburgh Academy.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Fabric repairs to a number of buildings situated within the Main Edinburgh Academy Upper Campus.

Location: 42 Henderson Row, Edinburgh

Agent: Mill Architects Limited. Easter Dalmeny Fao. Jo Parry-Geddes. 5/6 Easter Dalmeny, South Queensferry

Reference: 21/06340/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Aberdeen City Council

Details: The works comprise the alterations and internal refurbishment of the existing single storey Dyce Library building to form new internal changing facilities for the nearby 3G sports pitch. The works include the formation of new shower changing areas within the former main open plan area of the Library along with removal and infill of the existing feature glazed rooflight and all associated redecoration, flooring and mechanical and electrical installations to the new internal areas, along with new external connection to existing drainage.

Location: Aberdeen


Publication Date: 17/12/2021


Contract Authority: Renfrewshire Council

Details: The Council seeks to appoint a suitably experienced contractor to facilitate electrical upgrades within West Primary School.

Location: Paisley


Publication Date: 17/12/2021

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