Construction leads - December 8th


Applicant: Seventy Investments

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Demolition of existing office extension, conversion of existing coach-house to residential and construction of 5 residential units comprising of four terraced houses over 2 and 3 storeys and associated works

Location: 34 Albyn Place, Aberdeen

Agent: Fouin+Bell Architects, 1 John’s Place, Edinburgh

Reference: 211705/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: Whiteadder Ltd

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Construction of 4 dwellinghouses

Location: Land North West Of Thorneydykes Farmhouse, Westruther, Scottish Borders

Agent: LBA, Emily Diez, 18 Walker Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 21/01737/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Rivertree Residential Ltd

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Construction of two dwellinghouses

Location: Land North Of Ivanhoe Dingleton Road, Melrose, Scottish Borders

Agent: Aitken Turnbull, 5 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh

Reference: 21/01846/PPP

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Fife Housing Group

Details: Resurfacing of carriageway at locations where coal tar has been identified and disposal of the coal tar at a relevant site

Location: East Dunbartonshire


Publication Date: 07/12/2021


Contract Authority: Perth & Kinross Council

Details: Perth and Kinross Council (“the Purchaser”) are seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced Contractors under a multi-lot Framework Agreement to carry out works of a responsive repair nature to all domestic properties owned or occupied by Perth and Kinross Council within the Contract area.

Location: Perth and Kinross


Publication Date: 07/12/2021

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