Construction Leads - January 7th
Applicant: Fountain North Limited
Planning Authority: Edinburgh
Details: Residential and mixed-use development including class 1 (retail), class 2 (financial, professional and other services), class 3 (food and drink), class 4 (business), class 7 (hotel) and/or class 11 (Leisure) and ancillary works.
Location: Land adjacent to 194 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh
Agent: GVA James Barr, Quayside House, 127 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh
Applicant: G.S. Brown Construction
Planning Authority: Perth
Details: Change of use from health centre (Class 2) to retail units (Class 1), nursery (Class 10) and five flats and construction of a block of 15 flats
Location: Former Loch Leven Health Centre, Kinross
Agent: Yeoman McAllister Architects, Waterside Studios, 64 Coltbridge Avenue, Edinburgh
Applicant: Adam Aitchison
Planning Authority: Scottish Borders
Details: Chalet development incorporating reception block and associated infrastructure
Location: Land east of Scoutscroft Holiday Centre, St Abbs Road, Coldingham
Agent: Bain Swan Architects (Eyemouth)