Construction leads - January 9th


Applicant: The City Of Edinburgh Council.  FAO Jessica Lammey. Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Demolish existing TU and erect new Passivhaus two-storey extension with associated landscaping.

Location: Dean Park Primary School 31 Marchbank Gardens Balerno

Agent: Applicant

Reference: 22/06325/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Glenprop 4 LLP. 

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Proposed purpose-built student accommodation with associated infrastructure and landscaping.

Location: 14 Ashley Place Bonnington Edinburgh

Agent: Scott Hobbs Planning Ltd. Fao. James Allan. 24A Stafford Street Edinburgh

Reference: 22/06251/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Cullross Limited.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: The development will comprise a mix of houses and flatted blocks numbering approximately 220 units and will accommodate a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom flats, two- and three-bedroom colony flats, and three-, four- and five-bedroom townhouses, all with associated amenity, parking, green space, bicycle storage and refuge stores. 

Location: Land 70 Meters East Of 14 Glennie Road Newcraighall Musselburgh 

Agent: Jmarchitects. 64 Queen Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 22/06227/PAN

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Aberdeenshire Council

Details: Refurbishment of Existing Building and Construction of New Shed and Associated External Works, including New Water Main Connection

Location: Aberdeenshire


Publication Date: 09/01/2023

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