Construction leads - July 15th


Applicant: Mr Alan Brown

Planning Authority: Angus

Details: Construction of Workshop, Showroom and Washbay Building

Location: Workshop Station Road, Barry, Carnoustie 

Agent: Project Management Scotland Ltd, Phil Birse, 26 Montrose Road, Forfar

Reference: 19/00508/FULL

Application Link 


Applicant: Kiltane Developments Limited.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Proposed student accommodation/ flatted residential/ local retail class 3 development.

Location: 553 - 555 Gorgie Road and land 29 metres north of 19 Stenhouse Mill Wynd, Edinburgh 

Agent: Scott Hobbs Planning Ltd, Fao Paul Scott. 24A Stafford Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 19/03262/PAN

Application Link 


Applicant: Asda Stores Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Construction of extension to front of supermarket to house home shopping storage. Relocation of specialist parking bays. 

Location: 3 New Market Road Edinburgh

Agent: HB Projects Ltd. FAO: Michael Scott Merrydale House HB Projects Merrydale House Bradford

Reference: 19/03148/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Bield Housing & Care

Details: Legionella Preventative Monitoring and Maintenance Contract to mainly residential occupied properties, including older people occupancy.

Location: National


Publication Date: 12/07/2019


Contract Authority: South Lanarkshire Council

Details: The Council has an ongoing requirement for the provision of Festive Lighting, encompassing the maintenance, storage, construction and dismantling of Council owned Festive Lighting and associated kit for use throughout the towns and villages within the SLC geographical area.

Location: South Lanarkshire


Publication Date: 12/07/2019

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