Construction Leads - July 29th


Applicant: Browns Food Group

Planning Authority: South Lanark

Details: Construction of factory extension incorporating warehouse, workshop and dry goods store

Location: Scottish Gourmet, Thistle Mill, 25 Station Road, Biggar

Agent: Atom Consultants, Thomson House, 4A Forth Street, Edinburgh


Applicant: British Gas Trading Limited on behalf of Cube Housing Association

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Installation of externally applied wall insulation with a render finish to 2 high rise flatted dwellings.

Location: 154 - 174 Broomhill Drive, Glasgow

Agent: Fineline Environmental Design Ltd, Per Andy Harris, Baildon Hall, Hallfield Drive, Baildon


Applicant: The Al- Madrasa Mosque

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Demolition of existing outbuildings, construction of 2- storey administration and prayer building, replacement fence panels, and formation of new pedestrian access at Shields Road

Location: 159 Nithsdale Road, Glasgow

Agent: David Begg Architectural Services, Per David Begg, 4 Glebe Street, Kilwinning

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