Construction Leads - July 3rd


Applicant: Mrs Linda Lumsden

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Change of use from existing retail unit to form 3 flatted dwellings.

Location: 7c-9 Menzies Road, Torry

Agent: Fouin & Bell Architects Ltd, 1 John’s Place, Edinburgh


Applicant: Murray & Burrell Ltd

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Construction of seven dwellinghouse with associated car parking and landscaping

Location: Land to east of Muslie Drive (Phase 1) Lilliesleaf, Scottish Borders

Agent: Camerons Architects, Per Julie Slorach, 16/3 Timberbush, Leith, Edinburgh


Applicant: Mr And Mrs Dolby

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Subdivision of residential curtilage and construction of new residential dwelling

Location: Ardsheiling Bairds Brae, Cults

Agent: G.S.Architecture, Langavat House, Old Skene Road, Westhill, Aberdeen

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