Construction Leads - June 26th


Applicant: FCC Environment (UK) Ltd

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Construction of RO Plant and Associated Development including pipeline and leachate/acid holding tanks

Location: Tarbothill Landfill Site, Tarbothill, Murcar

Agent: Caulmert Ltd, 8 St Georges Court, Altrincham Business Park, Dairyhous, Altrincham


Applicant: The Britel Fund Trustees Ltd

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: External alterations to existing office building, including boundary wall works and new vehicular/pedestrian access surface finish.

Location: N0.1 The Exchange Market Street, Aberdeen

Agent: Workman LLP, 78 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow


Applicant: Carntyne And Riddrie Credit Union

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of extension to office premises.

Location: Hall 45 Gartcraig Road, Glasgow

Agent: Grant/Murray Ltd, 30 Bell Street, Glasgow


Applicant: HFD Glasgow Limited

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of office development and associated landscape works

Location: Site formerly known as Holiday Inn, 177 Bothwell Street, Glasgow

Agent: Michael Laird Architects, David Edwards, 5 Forres Street, Edinburgh

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