Construction leads - June 29th


Applicant: Mr William Sawers

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of 66 bed residential care home (Class 8), including access, car parking. landscaping, community garden and associated works, includes demolition of bowling club 

Location: 101 And 103 Helensburgh Drive Glasgow

Agent: UNUM Partnership 77 St Vincent Street 1st Floor Rear Glasgow

Reference: 22/01517/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Clydebuilt Crown Street Jersey Property Unit Trust

Planning Authority:  Glasgow

Details: Construction of retail development (with garden centre) and restaurants/cafe/drive-through with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure/engineering works

Location: Site At Cathcart Road/ Caledonia Road Gorbals Glasgow 

Agent: Zander Planning Ltd Alex Mitchell Clyde Office 2nd Floor 48 West George Street Glasgow

Reference: 22/01507/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Co-Owners

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Alterations to tenement, with fabric repairs to masonry and chimneys, including installation of slate roof, leadwork, rainwater goods, lime render to gable wall, formation of entrance steps and associated remedial works

Location: 55 Wilton Street Glasgow

Agent: Ian Watson Strathearn House 211 Third Floor Hope Street Glasgow

Reference: 22/01482/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Scottish Prison Service

Details: The SPS require a Contractor to design, supply and install replacement passenger lifts

Location: HMP Edinburgh and HMP Glenochil


Publication Date: 28/06/2022


Contract Authority: Cairn Housing Association

Details: Replace windows, external doors and cladding, plus refurbishment works to the common room (including roofing works)

Location: Wimberley Court, Victoria Road, Broughty Ferry, DD5 1DA - a 35-flat retirement housing complex.


Publication Date: 28/06/2022

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