Construction leads - March 31st


Applicant: Iconic Watts Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Part use of vacant retail store as hotel including upper floor and link bridge extensions and external alterations

Location: 119 - 121 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow

Agent: Silverfern Consultancy Douglas Mcconville 19 Woodvale Avenue Giffnock

Reference: 22/00897/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: AR (Finnieston) Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of residential led mixed use development including Class 1 (Retail), Class 2 (Financial & Professional), Class 3 (Food & Drink) and Class 11 (Leisure) with associated access, landscaping, parking and infrastructure.

Location: 30 Finnieston Street Glasgow 

Agent: Savills (UK) Ltd Per Alastair Wood 163 West George Street Glasgow

Reference: 21/01660/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: BEAR Scotland Limited

Details: The Forth Road Bridge VRS (also known as grillages/parapets) consists of over 16km of barriers and parapets on the viaducts and suspended spans. The suspended span grillages conform to the geometrical and strength requirements of the containment level appropriate for the bridge carriageways for speeds up to 50mph. VRS investigations found section loss, cracked welds, corrosion, and paint deterioration of steelwork. Impact damage was noted in some locations. All defects found have a detrimental impact to the VRS capacity to resist impacting loading.

The entire length of VRS has deteriorated with significant paint and structural defects identified throughout the length of the VRS. BEAR Scotland are looking to appoint a temporary works contractor to design, supply, install and move (as required) a temporary access platform that can be used for the maintenance of the grillage VRS.

The works involve the installation of bespoke temporary access system working beneath the Forth Road Bridge to carry out blasting, steelwork repairs and painting works. The refurbishment is required on the 2 lane 1 outer grillages and the central grillage for the full length of the suspended spans.

Works are due to commence in August 2022 for a total of a 3 year period, though it is envisaged the contractor shall only be engaged during mobilisation from one section of the bridge to the other.

Location: Forth Road Bridge


Publication Date: 23/05/2022


Contract Authority: Fife Council

Details: Remove and isolate electrical work. To install lighting and electrical alterations in classrooms and corridors, door access and fire alarm equipment.

Location: Buckhaven


Publication Date: 24/05/2022

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