Construction leads - May 17th


Applicant: Touchdown Memorial Home For Horses The Stables Mulben Keith Moray  

Planning Authority: Moray    

Details: Erect a community cafe and meeting place

Location: The Stables Mulben Keith Moray   


Reference: 22/00291/APP

Application Link 


Applicant: Whyte & Mackay

Planning Authority: Highland

Details: Reconfiguration of existing distillery building, construction of new stillhouse and boiler house, associated service yard, junction, access road, Suds drainage and landscaping

Location: Dalmore Distillery Alness

Agent: Blyth & Blyth Consulting Engineers Cornerstone 60 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh

Reference: 22/02146/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Mrs Alison Grieve

Planning Authority: Angus

Details: Proposed Re-Development of Brownfield Site, Demolition of Existing Steadings and Construction of 4 Dwellinghouses & Garages

Location: Redcastle Farm Redcastle Inverkeilor

Agent: A B Roger & Young 9 MacGregor Street Brechin Angus

Reference: 22/00338/FULL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (Utility)

Details: This contract is for the provision of GI services which will comprise an intrusive investigation for geotechnical and geo-environmental purposes. The Contractor shall be responsible for undertaking the Investigation (using land-based and overwater plant) to assess the ground conditions (including seabed and sub-surface) as shown on the Drawings

Location: Gourock


Publication Date: 16/05/2022


Contract Authority: Aberdeen City Council

Details: The Services are for maintenance and repairs of a specialised nature to housing properties and public buildings across numerous disciplines.

Many repairs are small scale, high repeat jobs although medium to larger scale repairs may also be required.

The Framework is divided into 30Nr Lots with the services being required to public buildings and housing properties owned or managed by the Council.

There are over 500 public buildings e.g., schools, libraries, museums, staff offices, warehouses etc and approximately 22,500 housing properties e.g. single/low rise and multi-storey properties covered by the framework.

Location: Aberdeen


Publication Date: 16/05/2022

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