Construction leads - May 23rd


Applicant: Honea Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: To demolish the existing shop units and to redevelop the site to provide replacement retail / commercial units with eleven residential apartments above, and to create a new footpath along Beach Lane.

Location: 120 - 122 Portobello High Street Edinburgh  

Agent: Gain Planning Services. FAO: Peter MacLeod 122 Scott Street Galashiels

Reference: 22/02219/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Specialized Signs Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Construction of warehouse with associated offices and hard landscaping. Permission sought for Class 4, 5 & 6 use.

Location:  Lochend Farm 14 Glasgow Road Gogar Edinburgh

Agent: McLaren Murdoch & Hamilton Ltd. FAO: Stewart Graham 229 Balgreen Road Edinburgh

Reference: 22/02165/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Hosp Ltd. 

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Construction of 4  townhouses, with associated access, parking, infrastructure, and landscaping.

Location: Land 28 Metres West Of East Lodge 100 The Wisp Edinburgh

Agent: Scott Hobbs Planning Ltd. FAO: Paul Scott 24A Stafford Street Edinburgh

Reference: 22/02163/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: South Ayrshire Council

Details: Provision of temporary propping to the existing roof structure in the Phase order note. Provision of 1200 gauge visqueen screen, fully taped joints, and seal around perimeter to suit the agreed phasing of the works. Dismantling and laying aside existing glazed infill panels. Demolition/ dismantle existing structural support framework. Installation of new Contractor designed structural support framework. Reinstate the existing glazed infill frames, including contractor designed connections of existing ‘astragals’ to new structural framework.

Location: Belleisle Conservatory


Publication Date: 19/05/2022


Contract Authority: Lanarkshire Housing Association Limited

Details: Replacement of existing windows with new uPVC windows to approximately 111 properties

Location: Motherwell, Bellshill, Uddingston, Newarthill and New Stevenston.


Publication Date: 19/05/2022

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