Construction leads - May 26th


Applicant: Applecross Creation Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Demolition of existing office building and construction of 11x flats with associated external works

Location: 2 Oxgangs Path Edinburgh

Agent: McLaren Murdoch & Hamilton. FAO Damian Smith 229 Balgreen Road Edinburgh

Reference: 22/02052/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Mr Rehan Amin

Planning Authority: Highland

Details: Part change of use of building to form 4 flats

Location: 17 - 19 Bridge Street Wick

Agent: Per: Jonathan Miller NorCAD Design George Street Wick

Reference: 22/02226/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Mr & Mrs F Renwick

Planning Authority: Highland

Details: Erection of house, 3 letting units and temporary siting of residential caravan and accommodation containers

Location: Land 95M SW Of Parkview Ardcharnich Loch Broom

Agent: Matheson Mackenzie Ross Per: Neil Ross Royal Bank Buildings High Street Dingwall

Reference: 22/02203/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (Utility)

Details: CMAL require to installing UPS to external lighting at Largs Ferry Terminal to improve operational resilience and safety. In addition, we are upgrading all lighting to dimmable LED and replacing existing lighting columns with 8m mid-hinged heavy-duty lighting columns (& brackets.)

Location: Largs


Publication Date: 20/05/2022


Contract Authority: Oak Tree Housing Association Ltd

Details: This tender process is being undertaken by Oak Tree Housing Association Ltd (OTHA). The Association carries out medical adaptations to a number of properties in the Inverclyde area. The works generally consist of the installation of wet floor shower areas, over-bath showers, handrails and other adaptations which allow people to remain in their homes. The contract will run for an initial 20-month duration. The Association may wish, at its sole discretion, to extend any resultant agreement for up to a further 2, 12 month periods subject to performance.

Location: Inverclyde


Publication Date: 20/05/2022

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