Construction leads - May 27th


Applicant: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. FAO: Nicola Slaven, 151 St Vincent Street, Glasgow

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Proposed development of reception centre and bridge access system with associated car parking, landscaping and servicing and alterations to existing pedestrian and vehicular access.

Location: The Forts, 3 Hawes Brae, South Queensferry

Agent: none

Reference: 19/02357/PAN

Application Link 


Applicant: City Of Edinburgh Council.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Amendments to floors 4 through 10, including minor alterations, new toilets and a new meeting room. 

Location: City Chambers, 253 High Street, Edinburgh

Agent: Faithful & Gould FAO: Stewart Arbuckle, Canning Exchange, 10 Canning Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 19/02196/LBC

Application Link  


Applicant: Castle Craig Investments

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Demolition of vacant office block, change of use from office to dwelling house in existing vacant castle, change of use and extension of stable to care home with associated garden ground and historic wall reinstatement, hard and soft landscaping, car parking and associated works 

Location: 95, 95A and 95B Craigcrook Road, Edinburgh

Agent: Pritchett Planning Consultancy FAO: Phil Pritchett, PO Box 8052 Edinburgh

Reference: 19/02155/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: South Ayrshire Council

Details: Construction of Boat Store at Kennedy Park, Dunure including associated external works and services

Location: Dunure


Publication Date: 24/05/2019


Contract Authority: Easthall Park Housing Co-operative

Details: The successful Candidate will be responsible for the external and internal common pre-paint repairs and redecoration of the Employer’s tenanted properties and backcourt/ garden areas, including: providing safe temporary access for the works and electronic records/ photographs; to occupied flats/ houses/ closes at Various Addresses,

Location: Easthall, Glasgow


Publication Date: 24/05/2019

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