Construction leads - May 27th


Applicant: Blairs Steading LLP

Planning Authority: Moray

Details: Restoration part demolition and extension of dwellinghouse to form mixed-use commercial and educational building

Location: Pond Cottage Blairs Forres Moray

Agent: Harry Taylor & Company Melville House 129 Scott Street Perth

Reference: 22/00749/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: Mr Colin Hilditch

Planning Authority: West Lothian

Details: Change of use of first floor restaurant to form 10 letting bedrooms with alterations to building

Location: 3 Manse Road Whitburn West Lothian

Agent: CD Architects The Old School Business Centre 40 Rochsolloch Road Airdrie

Reference: 0444/FUL/22

Application Link 



Applicant: n/a

Planning Authority: West Lothian

Details: Planning permission in principle for a 3.2ha residential development of 54 units with associated works

Location: Land To West Of Napier Avenue Bathgate

Agent: QB Wood Architects The Station Masters Office Station Road South Queensferry

Reference: 0373/P/22

Application Link  



Contract Authority: Scottish Prison Service

Details: The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) requires the refurbishment and installation of sixteen communal ablutions areas located throughout A, B, C and E Hall (there are 4 sets of ablutions in each of the 4 residential halls within HMP Barlinnie.

The existing ablutions require new floor and wall coverings, re-decoration of ceilings and doors/facings and renewal/upgrade of mechanical and electrical services within the areas.

Location: Barlinnie


Publication Date: 20/05/2022


Contract Authority: NHS Lanarkshire

Details: NHS Lanarkshire Health Board, a statutory body constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 wishes to construct a framework for plumbing contracting in respect of both planned and reactive works. This framework will be established in conjunction with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital (“the Participating Authorities”).

Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde


Publication Date: 20/05/2022

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