Construction leads - May 6th


Applicant: Rangers FC C/O Agent

Planning Authority: Glasgow 

Details: Formation of car park and associated works.

Location: Edmiston House, 100 Edmiston Drive, Glasgow

Agent: Keppie Design, Andrew Strachan, 160 West Regent Street, Glasgow

Reference: 21/01342/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Hermiston Securities Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of distribution warehouse (Class 6) and associated access, parking, service yard and engineering/infrastructure works

Location: Site To The North West Of Springhill Drive North, Glasgow

Agent: Zander Planning Ltd, Alex Mitchell, Clyde Office, 2nd Floor, 48 West George Street, Glasgow

Reference: 21/01304/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Ivory Holdings Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of extension and annexe to hotel including office space (Class 4), extension to cafe/restaurant and alterations to car park.

Location: 2 Camphill Avenue, Glasgow

Agent: Donald Bentley Architect, Taynish, 4 Barrmill Road

Reference: 21/01268/PPP

Application Link 



Contract Authority: East Dunbartonshire Council

Details: The contract works involve the removal and replacement of the existing Primary School’s Gym Hall ceiling.

Furthermore the works will included but not limited to the following work activities;

Removal of asbestos associated with the works by a Specialist Subcontractor. The asbestos will be removed prior to contract works commencing and a fit for occupancy/air clearance certificate will be issued to EDC for record purposes and prior to other Subcontractors entering the work area.

Isolation, removal and replacement of the High Level Lighting including the Emergency Lighting

Removal and replacement of the Suspended Ceiling Grid and Tiles throughout.

Reinstatement of the upstands to the Sky Lights.

Flooring replacement.

Removal and replacement of Electric Blinds.

Location: Gartconner Primary School


Publication Date: 05/05/2021


Contract Authority: East Dunbartonshire Council

Details: The contract works involve the full refurbishment of the existing toilet facilities throughout Harestanes Primary and Hillhead primary.

Furthermore the works will included but not limited to the following work activities;

Removal of any asbestos risks confirmed via the R&D Survey. Any asbestos which can be removed or encapsulated will be made safe prior to contract works The Licensed Specialist Contractor will asbestos will be required to issue prior their subcontractors works commencing, a fit for occupancy/air clearance certificate will be issued to EDC for record purposes and prior to other Subcontractors entering the work area.

Isolation, removal,

Publication Date 05/05/2021

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