Construction leads - October 12th


Applicant: Autism Initiatives Scotland.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Redevelopment of golf course comprising: demolition of existing clubhouse and construction of new clubhouse incorporating cafe, garage, workshop and changing facilities; formation of mountain bike trails; formation of pump tracks; formation of disc-golf course; re-instatement of fencing; formation of car-parking; and, associated ancillary landscaping.

Location: The Hermitage Golf Course, 11 Braid Hills Drive, Edinburgh

Agent: Savills-Smiths Gore, FAO Angus Dodds, 22 Young Street, Edinburgh



Applicant: Angus Estates Ltd & Muir Homes

Planning Authority: Angus

Details: Residential Development and Associated Access, Infrastructure, Open Space and Landscaping

Location: Field West Of Carlogie Road, Carnoustie

Agent: Ristol Consulting Ltd, 2 Kirk Street, Dunblane


Applicant: Sundial Properties (Gilmerton) Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: New one and a half storey mews property with double garage on the site formerly 39 Hill Street North Lane. Building to be in traditional style to street front with rubble walls and ashlar quoins, with render to gable end and timber cladding to inner facing rear elevations.

Location: 39 Hill Street, North Lane, Edinburgh

Agent: Simpson + Brown Architects. St Ninian’s Manse, Quayside Street, Edinburgh

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