Construction leads - October 13th


Applicant: Kingswells Property Partnership

Planning Authority: Aberdeen  

Details:  Construction of three class 3 (food and drink) units including two with drive-thru facilities

Location: Land North Side Of A944 Adjacent To Ardene Veterinary Hospital Kingswells Aberdeen

Agent: Hargest Planning Ltd Suite 8, Citibase 1 St Colme Street Edinburgh

Reference: 221198/DPP

Application Link 


Applicant: Maya Capital LLP

Planning Authority: Glasgow 

Details: Internal and external alterations, includes formation of level access to front entrance, with installation of clear glazing to existing windows/ louvres at 2nd and 3rd floors to north, south and west elevations

Location: Guild Hall 57 Queen Street Glasgow

Agent: Morgan Architects Per Sam Lodge 5 Advocates Close

Reference: 22/02387/LBA

Application Link 



Applicant: Mrs Eileen McNeill

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Alterations to property to form 3 flatted dwellings and associated external works

Location: 3 Crown Gardens Glasgow 

Agent: Design Practice Philip McCulloch 1/2 15 North Claremont Street Glasgow

Reference: 22/02252/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Scottish Environment Protection Agency

Details: Replacement of gauging station huts and the upgrade of the cableway system comprising of a winch and steel stanchions  

Location: Brockhoperig gauging station on the Ettrick Water and Ancrum gauging station on the Ale Water  


Publication Date: 12/10/2022


Contract Authority: Almond Housing Association

Details: The Works comprise of the design, supply and installation fire alarms and associated works.

Location: Livingston

Contact: Steven.Clunie@ALMONDHA.ORG.UK

Publication Date: 12/10/2022

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