Construction leads - September 13th


Applicant: Mr Irfan Anwar

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Demolition of building and construction of Class 1 Retail unit with flatted dwelling (Sui Generis) above

Location: 20 Cuthelton Street Glasgow 

Agent: Chris Doak Architect 5 Shaftesbury Street Anderston Glasgow

Reference: 22/02181/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: Keltbray Developments Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Demolition of existing car showroom and workshops and construction of residential development (411 dwellings) with ancillary Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 uses, construction of external pavilion, public and private open space, public realm, landscaping and associated works.

Location: Site Bounded By Minerva Street/West Greenhill Place/ Finnieston Street Glasgow 

Agent: Turley 7-9 North St David Street Edinburgh

Reference: 22/01776/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Grant Stafford Borthwick Limited

Planning Authority: Glasgow  

Details: Construction of flatted residential development 85no units, commercial units, cycle storage, car parking, access and landscaping.

Location: Site West Of 331 Bell Street Glasgow

Agent: Jewitt & Wilkie Limited 38 New City Road Glasgow

Reference: 22/02262/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: SPT

Details: SPT are seeking a main contractor to supply and install at traction power transformer for Glasgow Subway

Location: Strathclyde


Publication Date: 08/09/2022


Contract Authority: Dumfries and Galloway Council

Details: This tender process is for participation in the Contract for Refurbishment of St Michael’s Primary School, including construction of new toilet block extension, internal alterations to classrooms, new external drainage, new windows together with some refurbished windows, new internal doors and screens, new ceiling and floor finishes, new flat roof complete with new guttering and rainwater goods, existing slate pitched roof refurbishment to all areas. Alterations and installation of new mechanical pipework inc. radiators. Installation of new lighting, power points and associated works. New main entrance and side entrance ramps, reducing ground level and resurfacing of playground areas.; all works to be programmed and carried out in phases to suit the contractors requirements with associated temporary works to provide segregation as necessary – NOTE: it is planned to fully decant the school elsewhere during the contract period allowing the access to all areas.

Location: Dumfries


Publication Date: 08/09/2022

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