Construction leads - September 24th


Applicant: The Ridge SCIO

Planning Authority: 

Details: Alterations to shop (class1), alterations, extensions to part of shop and derelict buildings, to form 3 houses, 4 flats and associated works

Location: 86-88 High Street, Dunbar

Agent: Edinburgh Innovations, Per Akiko Kobayashi, E102 Creative Floor, (Codebase) 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 21/00947/P

Application Link 


Applicant: Mr & Mrs H Garratt

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders   

Details: Change of use of shop, alterations and extension to form 2 no dwellinghouses

Location: Shop And Incorporating Land East Of Shop 20 South Street, Duns, Scottish Borders 

Agent: Smith & Garratt, The Guildhall, Ladykirk, Berwick-upon-Tweed

Reference: 21/01457/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Aberdeen Harbour Board

Details: Construction of Aberdeen South Harbour has commenced. This procurement is for the construction of a Suspended Deck to the North Open Quay approximately 250m long. This consists of pre-cast concrete members of varying size which will require off-site manufacture and delivery to site, in-situ concrete elements and reinforcement all to be placed on top of existing piles constructed by the previous contractor. Works will comprise all materials, plant and labour with the exception of the concrete supply which will be supplied by the Client.

Location: Aberdeen


Publication Date: 23/09/2021


Contract Authority: Dumfries and Galloway Council

Details: The works include internal alterations to facilitate extended nursery accommodation within the existing Primary School including:- upgrades to existing M&E services; removal of internal walls to provide through-play; removal and replacement of internal doors; slapping new opening to provide direct access to playground from nursery; provision of new toilet facilities with changing cubicles and accessible wc; provision of kitchen and laundry areas within nursery classrooms; fit-out of cloakrooms; provision of specialist sensory fittings; formation of nursery office with reception screens; internal decoration to ceilings and walls; installation of suspended ceilings throughout; replacement floor coverings; wall tiling and IPS linings to toilet areas; external works requiring extending entrance platt; formation of feature steps; installation of play surfaces including softpour, synthetic turf and natural turf; site furniture including play tunnel, shade umbrella, pergola, fort, planters; alterations to fencing and provision of gate access; works to be carried out in phases to suit school requirements.

Location: Stranraer


Publication Date: 23/09/2021

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