Construction skills academy opens in North Lanarkshire

Sills-AcademyA new construction skills academy has opened in North Lanarkshire.

The facility, NL Construction Craft Skills Academy, will provide apprentices with the opportunity to learn from leading experts within the construction industry.

The academy, based on the Bellshill Academy campus, is aimed at creating opportunities for pupils to move directly into employment, college and training. Apprentices will be able to learn from industry experts and enhance their occupational skills, as well as be offered work-related opportunities with local employers. The academy is open to senior pupils from schools in North Lanarkshire.

The initiative brings together a number of partners including New College Lanarkshire, MEARS, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority and North Lanarkshire Council.

Councillor Jim Logue, convener of learning and leisure services, said: “The new academy will provide young people with the opportunity to progress from the 13 vocational construction centres within our schools to a more advanced course at the Skills Academy Level 5, which focuses on the standards needed for direct entry into modern apprenticeships in the construction industry.

“It will act as a hub for modern apprenticeship recruitment for employers, Skills Development Scotland and colleges throughout the year.”

Andrew Sutherland, executive director of learning and leisure services stressed the importance of the new Skills Academy.

He said: “Young people will develop their skills ability within the academy alongside core elements of the curriculum.”

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