Consultation launched for future redevelopment of Forthside

An illustration of Station Square in the Forthside masterplan
Residents, community groups and businesses will have an opportunity to help shape the future redevelopment of the Forthside area of Stirling following the launch of an online consultation.
People and organisations are being encouraged to give their feedback on an updated masterplan and new design guide for this key part of the city centre on Stirling Council’s Engage Platform.
The masterplan will set out the overarching vision for the area and the key principles for future residential and business development. It also proposes improvements for active travel and roads infrastructure, enhanced public spaces, environmental improvements and increasing access to the River Forth.
The design guide outlines the details required to achieve this vision for Forthside, from defining the key development areas and parameters for buildings, to setting out the required access routes and environmental improvements. Both documents were recently approved by the council for public consultation.
The Forthside area includes the 36-acre former Ministry of Defence (MoD) site which has been allocated for redevelopment within the current Local Development Plan and City Regional Deal Plan.
The MoD site will be transferred from the UK Government to the council as part of the Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal (CRD) - a £214 million partnership between Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils, the University of Stirling and the UK and Scottish Governments. Work is ongoing by the MoD to conclude this by the end of March 2024.
In February 2023, Stirling Council successfully secured £19m of Levelling Up Funding from the UK Government to redevelop the MoD site at Forthside, enable economic development and improve connectivity to the city centre and adjacent communities.
A total of £16m of this funding package will enable the redevelopment of the site, new access infrastructure supporting economic growth and inward investment. The remaining £3m allocated will provide new active travel infrastructure between Forthside, City Centre, Springkerse and surrounding communities.
The online survey will run online until 23 February. You can provide in-person feedback at the Thistles shopping centre on 20 January and a drop-in event on the consultation will be held at the Engine Shed on 27 January (11am-4pm).
Stirling Council leader, Councillor Chris Kane, said: “This is an important opportunity for the local community to have their say in the ongoing transformation of this key area of Stirling.
“The masterplan sets out how we can deliver an exciting vision for the redevelopment of Forthside, including the MoD site, and achieve significant economic, social and environmental benefits for Stirling and the wider region.
“It shows our ambition to deliver a new sustainable city quarter with a diverse range of uses, including business, housing, high-quality public spaces and enhanced active travel connections.
“To ensure these proposals meet the needs of residents, businesses and other key stakeholders, we need their input. So if you are impacted, please take part in the quick survey and help inform the final plans.”
All proposed developments at Forthside will be carried out in line with the council’s local development plan and will align with other key council strategies including the ’10-year thriving Stirling strategy’.