Consultation opens on proposed housing application at Newbattle
A public consultation is underway on a proposal from Midlothian Council to submit a planning application for a new development of around 134 homes for rent at the former Newbattle High School playing fields site near Dalkeith.

The site at Easthouses Road is bordered by a new residential development currently being built to the south, and the proposed new Newbattle Primary School to the north. The proposed new development is for a range of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties, to be built as both flats and houses.
The proposal, which has been prepared by Smith Scott Mullan Associates, also includes Passive House units.
As part of the pre-application consultation, two online public events will be held on Monday 6 September from 3 to 6pm, and on Monday 20 September from 5 to 8pm. Details of the proposed development will be described at the event and representatives of Midlothian Council and its design team will be present to answer any questions.
Further details on the proposals, and links to join the online events, can be found on the consultation website.
A comments form is available on the website until Sunday 30 September.
The proposals can also be viewed on the website until the end of October.
A planning application is expected to be lodged around November.