Council approves £1.5m Greenock drive-thru
Inverclyde Council has approved a £1.5 million drive-thru coffee shop on land beside the A8 route into Greenock town centre.
Sandy & James Easdale (Pic by Jeff Holmes)
The development, which would also have an indoor seating area for up to 40 customers, is proposed for a site at Arthur Street, close to the EE, RBS and Webhelp contact centre at the corner of Cartsburn Street and Rue End Street.
It is expected the development will create a mixture of 40 to 50 full and part-time jobs in what is a welcome employment boost to the local Inverclyde economy.
Councillors on Inverclyde Council’s Planning Board today unanimously supported the application.
The development plans were submitted by Dalglen Investments, owned by local businessmen Sandy and James Easdale, who purchased the 0.5-acre site from Scottish Enterprise in 2018.
Their plans were supported by Gourock-firms Bowman Rebecchi, Rebecchi Architectural and national planning agents, Ryden.
The owners are in discussion with multiple national businesses all of whom have shown an interest in the proposed development subject to planning consent being gained, with another marquee name now expected to be attracted to Inverclyde
Dalglen Investment directors, Sandy and James Easdale said, “We are delighted that this proposal has now been approved which will help to bring a brownfield site which has been vacant for many years back into active commercial use.
“Given the current economic climate, this is a welcome opportunity to secure fresh inwards investment into Inverclyde and to create much-needed jobs for Inverclyde residents.
“This development is expected to provide a significant economic boost to Greenock and its location in particular, while also supporting the multiple businesses nearby.”
Bowman Rebecchi and Rebecchi Architectural director, Marco Rebecchi said, “This decision is to be applauded by Inverclyde Council’s Planning Board, and we would like to thank the officers for their ongoing dialogue throughout the year.
“The site has lain vacant since 1986 despite several owners, so today’s news means there is now an opportunity to regenerate a key area of the A8 thoroughfare into the town centre.
“Bowman Rebecchi has seen a significant level of interest from most of the major drive-thru brands, and now that planning is approved, we look forward to securing a marquee tenant.”