Council consults on proposed Kilmacolm land sale

A layout of the proposed development
Inverclyde Council is proposing to dispose of an area of land in Kilmacolm to MacTaggart & Mickel Homes in connection with a proposed development of private housing on a larger site adjacent to the land.
About this development:
- Authority:Inverclyde
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Mactaggart & Mickel Group (developer)
The council is required to consult on this proposed disposal in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1959 as the land is a public open space and has published notice to this effect in local newspapers.
The developer’s proposal is that part of the land at Wateryetts Drive be used to form an access road to the development and that a community orchard (or similar) with relaxation space be formed on the remainder of the land.
Planning permission in principle has been granted for the development, which is required to deliver 25% of the on-site accommodation as affordable housing and a developer contribution towards off-site works to improve the walking and cycling environment in Kilmacolm.