Council unveils £10m Fife roads investment

Fife CouncilFife Council has announced a £10 million investment to improve roads throughout the region until 2019.

The additional funding, approved at a council budget meeting last month, will be used to improve urban named roads, footways in housing precincts, rural primary routes as well as the general condition of all roads.

David Brown, service manager for network management, said: “We recognise the need to maintain and improve roads across Fife and this additional investment will be put to good use.

“Area Transportation Works Programmes for 2017/18 have been approved by all seven Area Committees costing approximately £5.7m. The increased funding allows these projects to progress and for additional sites to be identified and included.

“Over the next few weeks we’ll be working with elected members to identify any new locations that should be added to our roads maintenance programme.”

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