Dandara donates seed bombs to local organisations

Dandara donates seed bombs to local organisations

Dandara has donated a total of 10 seed bomb kits to a number of local organisations, including Treetops Outdoor Nursery, Dunblane Kids Club, Edinburgh Girl Guides, Kirkliston Primary School and Carrick Knowe Primary School as part of its campaign to celebrate gardening.

This year’s theme for National Gardening Week, ‘Knowledge is Flower’, aims to raise awareness of the difference that gardening can make in the lives of everyone, helping to inspire the next generation of gardeners to experience the joy of creating and growing green spaces.

The donation will provide valuable support in enhancing the community, encouraging the groups to participate in outdoor activities and engage in a meaningful project as the warmer months approach. The seed bomb kit benefits from 26 different types of pollinator friendly wildflowers, helping to enhance biodiversity in outdoor areas.

Michelle Nicholson, marketing manager at Treetops Outdoor Nursery, said: “We are really pleased to have received the donation of seed bombs from Dandara. The children really enjoyed spreading the seed bombs in our garden and it was a great activity to get them outdoors.

“It is really important the children get involved with our outdoor space and their gardens at home, as it’s a great way to learn about biodiversity and the importance of nature. We are looking forward to watching the flowers bloom in the coming months!”

Jemma Jeffrey, principal teacher at Kirkliston Primary School, added: “We are really pleased to have received this donation from Dandara for Gardening Week. We like to encourage our pupils to get involved in the outdoors, so the seed bombs will provide a lovely opportunity for them to do some planting around the school grounds.”

Tony Williamson, director of sales at Dandara East Scotland, commented: “We’re delighted to assist all of these organisations local to our developments in promoting outdoor activities and gardening amongst the younger generation. The seed bombs offer a fantastic opportunity to enhance outdoor areas, and we hope the children get lots of enjoyment as they plant and witness the blooms!”

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