Demolition approval paves way for Dundee FC stadium plan

The listed structure outside Dundee Ice Arena (Image: Google Street View)
Dundee FC’s plans for a new 15,000-seater stadium at Camperdown Park have taken a step forward after the club received permission to demolish a B-listed structure near the site.
About this development:
- Authority:Dundee City
- Type:Commercial, Leisure, Residential
- Applications:
- Team:ljrh architects (architect), Dark Blue Property Holdings (developer)
The entrance to the former NCR building, which has been derelict for a number of years, sits prominently next to Dundee Ice Arena and Camperdown Leisure Park.
Its clearance was seen as a crucial part of the club’s plans for a new stadium, a development that will also consist of 210 homes, a hotel, a crematorium and restaurants.
Revised proposals for the project were submitted in May, but wider plans are still at an early stage.
Following the planning permission, Dundee FC’s focus can now turn towards submitting full detailed plans for the stadium.
The listed structure was the frontage of the NCR factory, built in 1947, whose workers developed one of the first ATMs.
The company, full name the National Cash Register Company, was one of the city’s biggest employers with more than 6,000 staff at its height in the early 1970s.
The rest of the building was demolished many years ago but despite permission also being granted for the demolition of the entrance/boardroom block, it was never touched.

Proposals for the new stadium
Dundee-based LJRH Architects submitted the request to demolish the building on behalf of Dark Blue Property Holdings Ltd, a company jointly owned by Dundee’s American directors John Nelms and Tim Keyes.
In a statement, the architects argued the demolition is justified because of its planning history.
They pointed to a now-expired decision in 2010 to approve demolition, which stated there was a “considerable reduction in its special interest”, after the rest of the factory was flattened.
This decision also said re-use of the building in the short term was “extremely unlikely” and its condition would more than likely continue to deteriorate.
A supporting statement by LJRH Architects for the latest demolition plans said: “We would submit that in the intervening 13 years, the building has deteriorated further and the likelihood of the potential to restore and re-use the building has subsequently diminished further.”
Dundee FC plans to host a public consultation into its full plans at The Landmark Hotel on Kingsway West on Monday September 26, from 2-7.30pm.
The second will take place virtually on Monday October 24 at the same time, which will be free to access online.