Developer offers ownership of community space and pavilion at former Mount Florida Bowling Club

Community groups are being offered the opportunity of outright ownership, at no cost, of a designated community space and an upgraded clubhouse pavilion at the former Mount Florida Bowling Club.
Glasgow-based NOAH Developments, which owns the site, previously brought forward proposals at a Community Consultation Event in February, for a limited residential development together with the provision of substantial community landscaped open space and the remodelling and upgrading of the existing clubhouse pavilion as a new and enhanced community facility.
Part of the original proposals from NOAH was that the designated community open space and the clubhouse pavilion would be offered on a long-term lease at a peppercorn rent to a chosen community group. This would be accompanied by a financial contribution of £250,000 made available towards funding the cost of remodelling and upgrading the clubhouse pavilion and the creation of the landscaped open space.
As part of NOAH’s ongoing community consultation and engagement process, NOAH is now offering two alternative options which involve gifting outright ownership of the designated community space (occupying around 50% of the overall site) to a chosen community group.

One option will see a fully landscaped open space together with the existing clubhouse pavilion remodelled and upgraded, gifted at no cost to the community group.
An alternative option will see a fully landscaped open space (with the existing clubhouse pavilion being removed), gifted at no cost to the community group, together with a financial donation of £150,000 to the group.
First right for acceptance of either of the above options is being offered to the Mount Florida Community Trust as the chosen community group. NOAH are currently waiting on a response from the Trust with their decision. If accepted, this would allow the Trust to be involved at an early stage in discussions as to how the open space and the clubhouse pavilion (if retained) could be laid out and operate to best serve the community.
Paul Winocour of NOAH said: “We are aware of the challenges faced by local community groups in sourcing sites and funding for community facilities. With that in mind, we are pleased to be able to offer the gift of outright ownership of the newly created community element of the site as part of our overall proposals. It is our hope that the tangible benefits of ownership will assist towards the successful creation of a real and sustainable community asset.”
For further information, please visit