Developer seeks to alter masterplan for site near Dunfermline super campus
Planning permission in principle is being sought for a mixed-use development that could deliver up to 450 homes next to Dunfermline’s new £180 million super campus.
About this development:
- Authority:Fife
- Type:Residential, Commercial, Healthcare, Education
- Applications:
- Team:Ryder Architecture (architect), Shepherd Offshore (developer)

A 90-bed care home, pub and restaurant, as well as a drive-through coffee shop and a large petrol station are also being proposed for the former Hyundai/freescale site, which has been vacant for 13 years.
The super campus comprising a new Fife College building and replacements for both Woodmill and St Columba’s high schools is the subject of a separate application which was submitted by Fife Council last year.
The wider proposal replaces a previous masterplan for the land in Dunfermline’s eastern expansion, which was approved in 2014. It included a renewable energy plant, a hotel, shops and offices. However, despite six years of marketing, no investors came forward.
While 225 houses have since been built by Persimmon and Bellway, the land is still mostly vacant.
Working alongside Ryder Architecture, developer Shepherd Offshore said it is actively pursuing companies interested in the latest application.
Fife Council planners are continuing to consider the application, with a recommendation expected to be presented to the central and west planning committee some time in the spring.
Should it be approved, Shepherd would be required to submit further, detailed plans for the development before construction can begin.