Developers submit plans for 38 new homes in Stirlingshire village

Andrew Haslam, Ogilvie Homes and another developer have submitted plans to Stirling Council to build 38 houses in the rural Stirlingshire village of Fintry.
The developers hope to build on land next to south of Menzies Terrace.
The development would feature 24 four-bed private houses and three three-bed private houses along with 11 affordable homes included comprising of four two-bed cottage flats, four two-bed terraced/ semi-detached, one two-bed semidetached, and two three-bed terraced/ semi-detached.
Vehicle access to the development would be via Menzies Terraces and open space and play provision would feature on the site.
The site, described as open area and woodland, is allocated in the Stirling Local Development Plan for 40 homes and is surrounded by residential dwellings on Menzies Terrace, Kippen Road and Culcreuch Avenue, with Fintry Primary School to the south and farm land to the east.
Currently, the only consultation response formally submitted to the application is an objection from Stirling Council’s assistant flood officer, The Stirling Observer reports.
The official wrote to planners stating: “This site lies within a known problem area of flooding and Stirling Council holds extensive records of flooding in the area. The ingress/egress route for this development is also frequently blocked due to flooding to depths likely impassable by emergency vehicles.
“The flood risk assessment submitted with the application indicates a large proportion of the site forms part of the functional flood plain. We therefore recommend an objection to this development on the grounds of flood risk.”
A flood risk assessment has acknowledged some flooding issues on the site and suggested measures, including the ability to use an emergency only access/exit if required.
In documents submitted with the application, agents for the developers said: “The area is considered to have a need for affordable housing, so for developments of four units or more, a 33% affordable housing contribution will be required.
“Our development includes 11 affordable housing units - 29% of the entire number of plots on the site. To compensate for the shortfall of 1.54 units to make up to the 33 pe cent required, Ogilvie Homes understand there will need to be a consideration for a community sum to be paid to Stirling Council.”
It continued: “The site itself is not identified as at risk of flooding, with the indicative floodplain for the river being well west of the B822, and south of the Culcreuch Castle driveway.
“However, the LDP does nonetheless require a Flood Risk Assessment to be submitted with the planning application.”