Development of affordable homes in Plean given green light

Development of affordable homes in Plean given green light

A residential development for up to 24 affordable homes in Plean has been approved, subject to conditions, by the Planning and Regulation Panel of Stirling Council.

To be constructed by Carmichael Homes, the proposed development on land south of Plean Parish Church comprises two, three and four-bedroom houses as well as wheelchair-accessible properties.

It is part of an investment totalling £6.1 million, with £3.2m provided from Stirling Council’s New Build Housing Revenue Account and the remainder from Scottish Government subsidy.

The development will feature electric vehicle charging points and air source heat pumps and properties will also be fitted with solar panels and battery storage.

The planning application was approved subject to conditions, which includes agreement of a full programme of landscaping on the site. Plans for access from the development onto the A9, the main road through Plean, and pedestrian crossings along the front of the site must also be agreed.

Plean Community Council had objected to the application on a number of issues, including impact on the character of the area and local services. A further seven letters of objection were received.

However, the land was allocated for housing in the 2018 Stirling Local Development Plan. The Panel also ruled that the development was considered to be well-connected and reflected the setting and character of Plean.

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