Dunbar Golf Club homes plan approved following NPF4 reassessment

Plans to deliver 78 new homes and upgrade facilities at Dunbar Golf Club have been given the green light once again.
About this development:
- Authority:East Lothian
- Type:Leisure, Residential
- Applications:
- Team:G1 Architects (architect), Cala Homes (developer)
East Lothian Council’s planning committee met last week to consider matters relating to three applications previously granted planning permission.
The application submitted by Dunbar Golf Club and Cala Management Ltd was brought back to be reassessed following the adoption of the National Planning Framework (NPF4) by Scottish Ministers in February.
The development, which will also deliver a new golf clubhouse and facilities including a driving range, short course, practice area and associated works, had previously been approved in October.

G1 Architects is behind the designs for the £3.6 million clubhouse
A vote of seven to two meant that members approved the application, subject to the successful conclusion of a Section 75 agreement which sets out financial contributions towards education, transport improvements, a sports pitch and changing facilities and the control of the phasing of the development. It was further approved that permission should be granted subject to the conditions previously agreed, as well as an additional condition that public artwork be agreed and provided by the developer.
Committee members then unanimously approved a change to plans for new homes south of Davids Way, part of the wider Letham Mains development site in Haddington. Mctaggart & Mickel Homes Ltd can now go ahead with 49 houses and four flats on the site – an increase of seven homes on what was originally approved. Members heard that the developer had built fewer homes on another part of the site so the increase on this site would offset that.
Members also unanimously approved matters relating to onshore infrastructure at the former Cockenzie Power Station site, in connection with the Seagreen offshore windfarm. Permission in principle was granted in August 2021 for a substation on the land and members approved the detail of the four buildings, external electrical equipment, the construction compound, site access and landscaping.