Dundee housing delivery pace accelerates
More than twice as many houses were built in Dundee last year compared with the previous 12 months, a draft housing land audit has revealed.

New figures show that 430 new homes were ready for occupation in the city, more than doubling the 2017/18 tally of 201.
Dundee City Council said the trend is likely to continue with the 500 mark expected to be exceeded this financial year.
Will Dawson, convener of Dundee City Council’s planning committee, said: “One of the key reasons that the planning system is in place is to ensure that the right things are built in the right places to allow the city to thrive.
“The recent adoption of the Dundee Local Development Plan 2019 means that there is a good choice of land designated for housing throughout the city that continues to ensure we encourage the delivery of high quality homes and places.”
Lynne Short, convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee, added: “The council has worked with local and national house builders to encourage the delivery of a choice of housing throughout the city and clearly housebuilding creates jobs and prosperity.
“Social housing plays an important part in the mix in the city as well and as part of the council’s Strategic Housing Investment Programme we are continuing to build and let with our partners in the housing associations.”
The Draft Housing Land Audit 2019, which is out for consultation until July 12, revealed that more than 500 units are currently being built with more than 520 expected to be finished in 2019/20.
In March the council agreed to support delivery of housing to meet the strategic housing supply target based on an average of 480 units a year, including 200 homes through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.