Dundee to consider new external wall insulation framework agreement

More than 400 homes in Dundee could be in line for an energy saving and carbon reduction boost from new external wall insulation.
An updated way of awarding the £8.6 million contract to install the measures at 464 houses in Lawton, Glenprosen and Linlathen is to be considered by councillors next week.
Mark Flynn, convener of Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee, said: “No one should be in any doubt that the external wall insulation carried out so far is having a positive effect not just on people’s fuel bills, but also on the environment.
“But we are sure that we can do more, and as well as measures such as these that can cut greenhouse gases benefitting the whole planet, community benefits in the places where the insulation is being installed can also be introduced using this framework.”
Councillors will be told that Dundee City Council has delivered an external wall insulation programme across the city for many years, but it is proposed that a Procurement for Housing Framework Agreement is used for this work.
It would ensure that there are relevant additional benefits to communities where the work is based and would allow the council to award contracts to contractors who have delivered previous similar projects for the council.
These measures will cover not only council tenants and private rented accommodation, but also 210 privately owned properties thanks to funding from Energy Efficient Scotland – Area Based Schemes (EES: ABS) from the Scottish Government and a contractor’s contribution.
As well as taking action to manage the standard risks associated with awarding public sector contracts, councillors will be told that the proposed framework also meets all of the current rules.
The neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee meets on September 4.