Dundee unveils annual roads maintenance programme

More than 80 locations across Dundee are in line for upgrading and repair to pavements and road surfaces starting in April.
The new annual roads maintenance programme includes works on pavements, non-adopted paths, roads and active travel schemes for the 2023/24 financial year.
Mark Flynn, convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee, said: “With more than 340 miles of roads surface and 560 miles of adopted pavement it is important that we have an agreed programme of works every year based on need and safety considerations.
“Teams from the Roads Maintenance Partnership, a combination of Dundee City Council and Tayside Contracts staff, have been delivering the programme for more than ten years and in that time have worked hard to keep the city moving.”
Roads and pavements will be resealed, reconditioned, resurfaced and in some cases completely replaced as part of the 12-month programme which will also improve the condition of some council-owned paths.
In total, the partnership will spend more than £3.4 million in 2023/24 on maintaining the city’s streets.