East Lothian Council rejects space tech company’s bid to redevelop Cockenzie power station site
East Lothian Council has rejected a planning application from space technologies company Skyrora Limited to erect an equipment testing facility, office and storage structures at the former Cockenzie Power Station site.

Pictured: The former Cockenzie Power Station in 2011 (Credit: Google Street View)
The application, filed in the summer, specified that the facilities would only be erected for a temporary period of five years.
Although planning officers recommended the plans for approval, the application was brought before the planning committee at the request of elected members due to the large number of objections raised by the public during the consultation process.
Committee heard that 168 written representations were received during the consultation process. 166 were against the proposal, one in favour and one neutral.
Skyrora had originally requested 70 engine tests per month at the proposed site. Following discussions, and in light of public comments, the applicant reduced the number of proposed tests to five per month to minimise the noise impacts and the amenity of neighbouring properties.
The application was readvertised at that point to allow residents and interested parties time to consider this amendment.
Committee members heard representations from Skyrora Limited, members of the community and the two local community councils before making their decision.
The committee felt that the noise impact from equipment testing would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties and that emissions released during equipment testing could have a harmful impact on the health and wellbeing of the local community.
The application was refused by six votes to two.