Falkirk Council to spend further £24m on schools

Falkirk_CouncilOver £35 million has been invested in schools across the Falkirk Council area over the last five years with more than £24m to be invested over the next three years.

During the last year improvement works carried out include £1.4m on the extension of Antonine Primary School, a boiler upgrade at Bo’ness Public Primary School and a range of nursery improvements at Maddiston Primary School, Deanburn Primary School and Kinnaird Primary School.

Councillors at yesterday’s education executive were updated on the works planned. A budget of £1.4m for repairs and maintenance is available for the next year.

Improvement works such as roof upgrades, playground and car park resurfacing and heating control installations are planned at a number of schools with the majority of work being undertaken during summer holidays to minimise disruption to pupils and staff.

Projects will include:

  • the new Carrongrange School
  • extending St. Joseph’s Primary School by creating a nursery, more classrooms, a new playground and an extended car park over the next two years

  • further expansion of early years and childcare provision
  • a range of other investments including upgrading primary school kitchens and halls and expanding early learning and child care provisions
  • Councillor Alan Nimmo, spokesperson for education, said: “The continued spend on our schools will help give pupils a platform to excel by providing them with a learning environment that allows them to develop their learning aspirations and fulfil their potential.

    “Investment across high schools, primary schools and early learning will make sure children of all ages see the benefits of the spend.”

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