Financial close reached on £33m Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service centre

A joint venture between international support services and construction group Interserve and Kajima Partnerships has achieved financial close on the project to build a new £33 million National Centre of Excellence for the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) near Edinburgh.

The project comprises the building of facilities for the processing and testing of blood, tissues and cells as well as quality and regulatory functions, research and development, offices and garaging on the Heriot-Watt Research Park.

The development is being funded using the Scottish Government’s Non-Profit Distributing (NPD) model, which is managed by the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Equity partners Interserve and Kajima Partnerships provided £3.4m in equity for the project, while Norddeutsche Landesbank provided a £36.3m senior term loan.

Interserve, which will also undertake construction on the project, will start work on site at Heriot-Watt Research Park later this month, with completion expected by November 2016. Interserve’s facilities management division will maintain the new facility for a 25 year period.

The Interserve-Kajima JV was named preferred bidder on the SNBTS project in March.

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