Firms encouraged to Meet the Buyer in Dundee

Firms encouraged to Meet the Buyer in Dundee

Councillor Steven Rome

A call is going out for local businesses keen to bid for work in the public sector to attend a Dundee event where they can meet buyers from organisations across Tayside. 

The free Meet the Buyer gathering on March 4 at the Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP) will give potential suppliers the opportunity to talk informally about upcoming contracts. 

A wide range of goods and services are bought in by public bodies including personal care, building works, transport and catering. 

Councillor Steven Rome, convener of Dundee City Council’s Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure committee, said: “This event aims to help local businesses to be ready to bid for work from councils, health boards, universities and other public bodies when it comes up. 

“Attendance is free, but we are keen that new and existing suppliers, particularly local businesses in and around Dundee, register for the event. 

“Buyers will be there to meet potential suppliers to chat about upcoming contracts, how they go about tendering and what they look for when buying goods and services for their organisations.” 

“Suppliers will also be able to network with meet larger contractors with public sector contracts to learn about current and active subcontract opportunities, and how to join their supply chains.”                                                       

The free event is being organised by Dundee City Council in partnership with Perth & Kinross Council, Angus Council, and the Supplier Development Programme (SDP). 

It takes place on Tuesday March 4 between 10am and 2pm at the Innovation Hub at the MSIP, Baldovie Road, Dundee.  

Anyone who wants to attend should register on the SDP website. 

Attendees on the day will be able to introduce their business to a wide range of public sector organisations, including: 

  • Dundee City Council
  • Abertay University
  • Angus Council
  • Dundee and Angus College
  • Dundee City Council Employability Service
  • NHS Tayside Health and Work
  • Perth & Kinross Council
  • Scotland Excel
  • Scottish Procurement Alliance

Contractors confirmed to attend are Robertson Tayside, McLaughlin & Harvey, MVV Environment Baldovie Ltd and Balfour Beatty. 

Gillian Cameron, programme manager of the Supplier Development Programme, said: “Meet the Buyer Tayside is a fantastic opportunity to network with the real buyers that design and advertise local public sector contracts and supply chain opportunities, as well as learn about the free business support and training local businesses can access to help them bid better. 

“The Supplier Development Programme works hand in hand with local authorities to create free events like Meet the Buyer Tayside, which help local businesses find, win and keep public sector contracts. So, if you want to consider and win work with the public sector or its partners in Tayside, this event is an unmissable opportunity.” 

The session will include speakers and workshops, looking at topics like Quick Quotes for smaller contract opportunities, Community Wealth Building and how to use Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and Public Contracts Scotland Tender (PCS-T) to tender for work.

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