Flood risk to be reduced on Arbroath cycle path with £200k works

Angus Council and Sustrans are set to fund £200,000 in improvement works to reduce the flood risk on the national cycle path at Elliot Links, Arbroath.
The council’s executive sub-committee approved £100,000 of funding on Friday and the remaining £100,000 will be funded by Sustrans through their National Cycle Network fund.
Work will be completed on the 270m path by the end of 2021.
Cllr Mark Salmond, convener of the council’s communities committee, said: “The Elliot Links coastal path saw significant flooding from January 2021, with the path impassable at times for several months.
“This path forms part of the National Cycle Network (NCW) and is a core path in Angus providing a vital commuting link and a route the whole family can use to enjoy the diverse coastal landscape, so I’m pleased we can match Sustrans investment to fix this issue.
“Sustrans who oversee the NCW and council officers responsible for our Core Path Networks have identified that by installing a ‘boardwalk’ style path used previously in the NCW would ensure the path no longer floods and can be used throughout the year.”