Funding for Argyll and Bute infrastructure and coastal community projects

Funding for Argyll and Bute infrastructure and coastal community projects

Five key infrastructure and community projects have been identified for potential funding via the UK Government’s Community Regeneration Partnership Funding (CRP) initiative.

The UK Government has committed to delivering a package of support from the CRP to Argyll and Bute Council totalling £20.34 million.

The council was asked by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to outline major projects that would improve outcomes across Argyll and Bute in line with the Government’s core missions and priorities.

At a meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee, a package of priority projects was approved which will now be the subject of further discussion and negotiation with the UK Government team.

The projects include:

  • Oban Airport Aviation Business Park - construction of two key buildings as part of phase 2 of the Business Park development
  • Former Royal Hotel Rothesay, Bute - restoration of the town’s valuable heritage building and new accessible homes including housing for key workers, tourist accommodation and commercial space
  • European Marine Science Site Phase 2 - The further development of Camas House, the second business office/laboratory development on the site specifically developed to support business growth in the marine economy
  • Affordable housing for key workers – construction of affordable housing for key workers on various sites across Argyll and Bute, tackling one of the area’s critical issues
  • SME Business Units – creation of business units targeted at local SMEs with units being constructed within local business park sites and/or in locations where a shortage of commercial space has been identified

It is currently anticipated that the final CRP package will be confirmed in early April 2025 with a final decision from MHCLG Ministers.

Councillor Jim Lynch, the council’s Policy Lead for Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing, said: “Each of these priority projects would be enormously beneficial in further boosting the economy of Argyll and Bute, generating employment opportunities, enhancing the region’s infrastructure and improving outcomes for many of our communities.

“While there are no guarantees about which projects will be selected and there are further discussions to be had with our MHCLG partners, we’re confident that this package of initiatives would greatly benefit our area.”

Coastal community projects to benefit from funding

Meanwhile, four ambitious coastal community projects across Argyll and Bute are in line to benefit from new Scottish Crown Estate funding.

Following confirmation that the council has been allocated £1,818,714 from the Scottish Government’s Crown Estate Fund for 2024/25, a range of community initiatives were given the go-ahead at a meeting of the council’s Policy and Resources Committee.

Funding has been approved for:

  • Kintyre Seasports – funding will support demolishing the existing pavilion building and creating temporary accommodation for the community charity project in advance of Rural Growth Deal approvals. This project promotes health and wellbeing and attracts adventure tourists to Kintyre.
  • Port Ellen Playing Fields – completion of a new Community Hub and motorhome site.
  • Argyll Kayak Trail - ongoing operation and maintenance of the popular 150km sea kayak trail which runs between Ganavan and Helensburgh.
  • Tarbert Heritage and Place Programme – additional support for a bid to Historic Environment Scotland for investment in the scheme to regenerate Tarbert.

The council previously agreed to allocate £780,000 from this year’s Crown Estate funding to mitigate weather-related costs, £500,000 to balance the 2024-25 budget, and a further £107,000 to fund posts within Economic Development, leaving a remaining budget of £431,714 for 2024/25.

The Crown Estate Fund is targeted at the sustainability of coastal communities across several categories including environment, community, climate change, and economic development.

Councillor Jim Lynch added: “This new Crown Estate funding is extremely welcome, and will deliver vital investment for many key projects in Argyll and Bute that support our coastal communities.”

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