Funding secured for North Berwick road junction improvements

East Lothian Council has secured funding under the Sustrans ‘Places for People’ programme for major improvements to two key junctions serving the North Berwick school campus.
Designed with consultants Stantec, the works will see the junction of Haddington Road with Grange Road become a fully signalised junction with pedestrian and cycle phases while a zebra crossing will be installed on Haddington Road near the junction with Lochbridge Road supported by raised tables to control approach speeds on both Lochbridge Road and Wishart Road.
It is intended that work will commence in early July 2022 once the schools break for the summer holiday with the major works complete for their return in August.
Once complete these works will play a significant part in enhancing safe, active travel to North Berwick High School, Law Primary School and the North Berwick Sports Centre.