Future options under review after structural assessment of Aboyne Bridge

Future options under review after structural assessment of Aboyne Bridge

Aberdeenshire Council has concluded the structural assessment of Aboyne Bridge, which carries the B968 Bridgeview Road over the River Dee.

Built between 1938 and 1940, the 7-span reinforced concrete bridge – spanning 151 metres – has deteriorated significantly, largely due to its age and the construction techniques of the 1930s.

The assessment confirmed that the reinforced concrete bridge decking, on which the road and footways rest, has no capacity to safely carry motorised vehicles.

The main span is relatively unique, featuring three concrete hinges. The assessment has identified that the hinge at the centre of the span is also structurally weak.

In essence, the survey has confirmed initial fears when the road was closed last year, that it is not currently strong enough to carry vehicles and other faults have been identified.

The council’s Bridges Team are working with consultants to look at options for the repair or strengthening of the bridge in order to make it available to some level of motorised traffic in the future – possibly under a weight restriction.

If an appropriate repair can be identified with the findings in November, the council will seek approval to proceed to the design phase.

Aberdeenshire Council said it is confident active travel will be able to continue on the bridge, although this remains under regular review.

Once it has the consultant’s findings, further drop-in sessions will be held in Aboyne and Birse to update and consult with the local communities on the best way forward.

Aboyne Bridge is a category B-listed structure, protected under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. Any future work will take into account the preservation of this historic structure, as well as the essential utilities it carries, including power, water, and fibre-optic telecommunications.

Dinnet Bridge – currently serving as a diversion route – will soon be restricted to single-lane traffic to protect the ageing structure. This bridge is essential for heavy goods vehicles servicing a major local timber sawmill.

Aberdeenshire Council will continue to work closely with local communities and businesses as it reviews options and moves toward a long-term solution for Aboyne Bridge.

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