Glasgow prepares to host retrofit summit

A retrofit summit in Glasgow a month from now will look at the work taking place to retrofit homes at individual, community and at-scale levels, with an emphasis on the needs, perspectives and objectives of local projects in Glasgow and the city-region and current themes, policies and practices in the sector.
The online summit - taking place in the mornings of 11, 12 & 13 February - is part of the Glasgow City Region Retrofit Action Week, hosted by Glasgow City Council between 8-16 February, with the latter providing an annual spotlight on retrofit activities taking place across Glasgow and the city-region.
Hundreds of people are expected to attend the summit, which will feature themed discussions, presentations, Q&A and break-out sessions, and networking opportunities. Those in attendance will include housing and retrofit professionals, community organisations, architects, academics, surveyors, landlords, and interested members of the public.
The first day of the summit will examine where the city and city region is right now in terms of retrofit and what action looks like in the short term; the second day will look at the tools Glasgow needs to make retrofit happen at scale and what barriers need to be overcome; and on the third and final day, consideration will be given to how the Glasgow city-region can organise to get more retrofit done.
Those wishing to attend the summit should register here. Sessions begin at 8:45am and end at noon, and are run on Zoom Events.
Councillor Ruairi Kelly, convener for Housing and Development at Glasgow City Council, said: “The retrofit of homes will be an important part of the transition to low-carbon housing, and the online summit will provide a fantastic platform for everyone with an interest in this work to find out about what’s going on in the sector and how to go about delivering more retrofit in Glasgow and the city-region in the near future.”