Glasgow pub to be transformed into flats by housing association

Linthouse Housing Association has unveiled plans to transform a former Glasgow pub into two homes for residents with disabilities.
Glasgow City Council has opened the door for the Vital Spark on Govan Road, which was previously Fairfield Bar, to be renovated.
Under the proposals, one of the two-bedroom homes will be accessed from Govan Road and the other from Clachan Drive.
They will both have access to the communal backcourt at 1147 Govan Road, which is also owned by Linthouse.
Council planners said “generally this arrangement would not be acceptable” given the “risk of the division of ownership from the proposed units and the backcourt”.
Their report added: “However, it is recognised that the properties will be managed under one ownership by Linthouse Housing Association, a local housing association and a condition will be added to ensure that the proposal is not sold as private residential properties.”
The condition ensures permission for the use of the building as flats applies only to the housing association, and would “cease upon end of operation of their unit unless otherwise agreed” with the council.
A spokesperson for Linthouse told our sister publication Scottish Housing News: “While things are at an early stage, this purchase confirms our commitment to the community both in terms of regeneration and the delivery of good housing.”