Govanhill Housing Association to deliver block of 24 flats
Govanhill Housing Association has been awarded planning permission to deliver 24 flats on the site of a former drill hall.
About this development:
- Authority:Glasgow City
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Govanhill Housing Association (developer), Coltart Earley (architect)

Designed by Coltart Earley Architecture, the five-storey block on Butterbiggins Road will consist of nine three-bedroom units, 10 two-bedroom units and five with one bedroom.
Two normal car parking spaces are proposed plus two spaces allocated to ground floor wheelchair-accessible flats.
Annie Macfarlane, chair of Govanhill Housing Association and local resident, told our sister publication Scottish Housing News: “During this time of crisis having a safe, comfortable place to call home is more important than ever, as such we are delighted to have received planning permission to build 24 spacious, energy efficient homes on the site of the former Lanarkshire Volunteer Artillery drill hall.

“All of the properties will be offered for social rent, bringing much needed affordable housing to the Govanhill community at a time when it is sorely needed.”
Formerly occupied by the Lanarkshire Volunteer Artillery drill hall building, the site is situated between a C-listed Victorian tenement and the former Larkfield bus garage where a Link Group development of 186 flats and houses is currently under construction.
At the other side of the site is a Category C listed block of four-storey tenements under the ownership of Govanhill Housing Association.

A design and access statement submitted with the planning application stated: “The proposal is for 24 flats accessed through a single common entrance fronting Butterbiggins Road. A secondary pedestrian access is provided via a separate pended vehicular route serving 2 incurtilage accessible parking spaces within the rear courtyard.
“These spaces provide parking for two ground floor wheelchair flats. The proposals are 5 storeys, creating a building of equivalent scale, mass and volume in response to the adjoining Category C Listed Victorian Tenements and adjacent Link Housing new build development fronting Butterbiggins Road. The proposals continue the urban wall formed by the adjoining tenements whilst the return elevation provides a “stop end” affording views from within the properties towards Victoria Road.
“This elevation also addresses approaches to the site from the West and the balconied dual aspect corner in this location has been designed to terminate the views of the new building from the adjacent Annandale Street.

“To the east abutment with the existing building the open balconies are set back creating a recessed vertical transition between “new” and “old” façades whilst defining and containing the pend access to the building courtyard.
“The south facing street façade is activated by a series of openings whose design influence and scale is taken from the proportion and rhythm of the tenement windows on the adjacent buildings fronting Butterbiggins Road and Inglefield Street.
“The window distribution pattern echoes the traditional tenement fenestration rhythm of bay/window/window/bay. This façade steps back from the main building line at living rooms creating open balconies to the larger 3-bedroom flats and enclosed private sun balconies to enhance the amenity to the single aspect 2- and 1-bedroom flats. This also affords increased privacy to the internal living space.”