GRAHAM promotes STEM careers to Barmulloch young people
Pupils at All Saints Secondary School have attended an open day offering an insight into career pathways in Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering (STEM), at a careers event organised to help young people who will soon be choosing their National Five subjects.
Over 160 S2 students attended the event, at which GRAHAM, along with seven other companies including the Scottish Ambulance Service and Money Advice Scotland, gave pupils advice and guidance into the diversity of future career opportunities in STEM.
Stephen Chisolm, regional procurement manager at GRAHAM, and S2 All Saints students Nur Hussein and Adam Masih
Debbie Rutherford, community benefit advisor, Stephen Chisholm, regional procurement manager and Amy McBride, research assistant at GRAHAM, spoke to the young people in small groups, and carried out activities to highlight the many varied roles within construction.
GRAHAM is a member of the 5% Club, made up of companies committed to ensuring at least 5% of their workforce over the next five years is comprised of young people on structured learning schemes.
Amy McBride, research assistant, Stephen Chisolm, regional procurement manager and Debbie Rutherford, community benefit advisor at GRAHAM
It is also an IIP Platinum 2020 accredited company that employs over 300 people in Scotland, has managed over 150 apprenticeships and is signed up to the Scottish Business Pledge.
Emma Dickson, event organiser and teacher at All Saints, said: “The S2 STEM careers morning is really helpful for our students who are considering the next pathway they will take. Our pupils leave the event inspired by the companies they have spoken to, and informed of the many roles available to them in STEM.”
Debbie Rutherford added: “As a company, GRAHAM is committed to working with young people to provide opportunities to understand and pursue careers in construction across the many roles this encompasses.
“We hope to see some of the students who attended the careers event pursuing pathways in construction in the future.”